Monday 20 April 2015

Master Actors we've all become

Master Actors we've all become...
this morning I woke up to this message...
a cummulative inner outer realization and downloaded message after many years and a last minute final push after readin Anastasia, Ringind Cedars of Russia BOOK 3, Space of Love...
where it was shared how our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical enslavement started when we were babies...
of All ARTS, ACTing is what humanity has mastered Best...
ACTing for Survival purposes...
without exception, each and every single human being in our world has played and pretended multiple roles multiple times, without much prior deep consideration...quite naturally...
from pretending we like the foods we've been forced to eat as small children...
to faking dis-ease in schools to skip a day or 3 and take that medical leave of absence note...
forcing ourselves through less than likeable schools environments because we've been born into systems that force human beings to pursue and become the very opposite of their natural, innate talent, ability and passion... 
for some, pretending to get along with parents and family members despite major personality differences 
for others, co existing with their not very likeable neighbors because there wasn't anywhere else to go at the time
for many others, suffering with life threatening childhood started disease, having to escape the cruel realities of the scary medical environments they've been subjected to, the only way out was through virtual electronic games worlds and developing various personas to cope with the too harsh for the soul reality...
for countless millions more, later in life, through tough social conditions, avoiding intimidating factors from the powers in place and social authority, faking feelings and suppressing emotions has become a constant routine...think communist and war ravaged countries...where learning to be extremely grateful with close to nothing has taken an art form in itself...
for the literal and proverbial vast majority of this planet population, embarking on lifetime roles through the jobs we "had" to take because "we had no other choice"..or so we've been conditioned to believe and accept...putting up with the bully or womanizer boss for 8 hrs/day sometimes more than 5 days/week
taking this art form to yet a whole new PERSONAL level right down within our very personal relationships and marriages...for social status, children that came along, financial safety and material comfort...arranged marriages, convenient marriages, "kept" relationships with sugar dadies and later on the more fashionable sugar mommies...
crossing to the endless arrays of role playing in the sex industry and its many ramificated branches disguised as many things... being passed on to impressionable youngsters who have started out acting before having a chance at living...
to today's fashionistas who have impeccably mastered the art of artificial beautifying through silicon and collagen implanted, enhanced various body parts and excessive make up which could MAKE UP for all of the emptiness inside their lives, hearts and souls from perhaps earliest time in childhood when they've been abandoned, neglected or ignored which transformed into a constant later need for OUTer energy attention to fill the INner empty emotional space... 
the new IDOLization religion...grooming that ONE special artist, be it singer, actor or performer...paying ENERGETIC SERVICE THROUGH the artist, to the puppet masters who have pulled the strings behind them... to the invisible artistic stage directors for energy harvesting... 
the MOVIE worshiping global population...trying to escape reality and to find ourselves THROUGH the luring beautiful images and seducing gorgeous people rolling on film for us...creating that desired CONTRAST so we could only go "back" to our "lives" and continue to dislike them and get better and better at pretending...
based on Sheldon Nidle, the Sirians were very surprised to discover our abilities to make fun of and mock ANOTHER being’s suffering and distress...
it took me a few moments to dig for the explanation to was for SURVIVAL purpose...we HAD to LEARN how to POKE/MAKE FUN at our troubles and endless struggles, or else we’d go even crazier...we’ve created a brand new art form of MAKING FUN of our troubles and struggles...
it was the very purpose of LIVE COMEDY acts and COMEDY SITCOMS...ANY COMEDY show and film for that matter... 
countless beautiful souls selling themselves AND their beautiful bodies to make lots of $$ because "there wasn't other choice"...
billions of us playing make believe that we are happy when our physical and non physical bodies are imbued with energy vibrations from foods that are produced through extreme cruelty and violence against many other billions of sentient beings in many forms...while we get by on a daily basis, humming along as if no care in the world...nor any desire to question and find out...change and evolve...
the more harsh reality we'd be facing, the more escaping/acting skill was developed... 
it is indeed our very sad story in a 3D REALITY we've come to transform and transmute...
I always wonder if our ability to recall, bring back and LIVE TRUE LOVE, FREEDOM, JOY, HAPPINESS is still somewhere within us...wondering if we even KNOW HOW TO BE REAL anymore...
as the planet gets liberated by many both seen and unknown of yet, our masks will inevitably fall off on their own
and we'll embark on our SPIRITUAL ROLES and missions
becoming the heroes we've been watching and admiring yet to afraid to emulate in real life...saving other beings from suffering and healing our home world...
falling in REAL love for the first time for many...
expressing our suppressed talents, skills and passions as we heal more and more...
getting to live the LIFE we've been Divinely conceived to live...
for most, the soon to be UNveiled REALity will seem and feel overwhelming and downright scary...such profound the illusion has become...
I wonder if they make movies in other dimensions...because if they do, Earth has potentially become the largest acting agency in Cosmos...where countless roles have been played, for countless movies to be made...yet, strangely enough, the faux reality we've been born into, will pale in comparison to the real reality waiting to be unVEILED...
Our earth show curtains are about to be lifted... where we are both the actors and the spectators...
for me personally, DEacting has been the most taxing yet liberating thing I've done for myself...and by far the most profound form of healing which I warmly recommend for each human being...
if we were allowed as children to...and later on knew that speaking our truths and expressing our feelings with no restraint is natural, we would have never bottled up so much inside to be pushed into spiritual, emotional, mental, physical disharmony and disease...
we’ve been condemned from young age to silent obedience for fear of ridicule, bullying, criticizing and judgment...
by familial, social, educational, political, religious systems of control...
our Throat Chakra has been severely suppressed and neglected... 
SPEAKING TRUTH, USING IT WITH PURPOSE, COMPASSION, SINGING, EXPRESSING/VOCALIZING our feelings, talents and desires, special MANTRAS are vital to start to BREAK AND DISSOLVE the STATIC we’ve accumulated and which creates a SHORT ENERGETIC CIRCUIT between our NON/PHYSICAL aspects...
between our NONphysical chakras (third eye/crown chakra) and the Physical (from Heart chakra below) 
our BEST teachers are the souls in ANIMAl bodies...for whom PLACEBO effect remains non existent to this day, despite the endless traumas they've also been subjected to...comparing to theirs, our traumas pale in comparison, YET they could never "beat" us in ACTING...

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